=Sassycat= is
15 years ago
alive. Exhausted, stressed, sad, hopeful, headache-y, nauseous, unsure, scared, motivated, loved, bored, annoyed, but still alive. Hi :-)
latest #17
Kalle C.
15 years ago
Kalle C.
15 years ago
heyas Sasara!! :-)
15 years ago
(cozy) *ticklepouncehugs*
Kat Alderson says
15 years ago
Wow, that is really quite the emotional palette! (cozy)
15 years ago
hai! (cozy)
Kitt says
15 years ago
=Sassycat= says
15 years ago
I forgot to mention angry, depressed, hyperactive, happy, and dizzy.
=Sassycat= says
15 years ago
and yes, all of these at the same time.
Ribbons says
15 years ago
wowzers! Now THAT'S being in tune with your feelings!
Prairie thinks
15 years ago
it must be love! (evilsmirk)
=Sassycat= says
15 years ago
love... I am in love, have been for a while. This is much less pleasant, but love will get me through it.
15 years ago
wow that is lots of things..some good and bad..do you buy chance have multiple personalities?
Arcadia Noelle says
15 years ago
Lexi says
15 years ago
hai and huggs the blue stuffing out of Sassy :-) (cozy)
PsycoSid says
15 years ago
that is a whole lotta things to be...
Vanni says
15 years ago
you'll get through it love, we're all here for you :-) (cozy)
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