Caydeepants says
15 years ago
So I just ripped the CEO of V_V Designs a new one. It's not cool to shit-talk other designers to drum up business! And then to say you don't
latest #12
15 years ago
use textures on your sculpts to make your jewelry and that's why you're better than designers like Alienbear, Muse, Earthstones, JCNY etc...
15 years ago
no eff'in way. Sorry.
15 years ago
QueenieX says
15 years ago
never even heard of V_V Designs!
15 years ago
Apparently they think their product is better because they don't texture their sculpts like other designers do...
15 years ago
never heard of them either, usual type that talks shit about other designers so they can walk on their backs. PATHETIC!
Amber says
15 years ago
i hate it when people think textures aren't essential. hello, part of the whoooole effect.
15 years ago
Problem is...they do use textures lol. They were trying to boost themselves saying they don't like other designers...but they do!
15 years ago
ask the average shopper if they care about sculpts, textures etc. they will just give you a puzzled look, lol.
15 years ago
people like what they like the looks of nothing more.
15 years ago
See, this is one of my qualms about getting into content creation in SL. When someone starts turf wars with me, I tend to mine the turf.
15 years ago
Y'know, metaphorically speaking.
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