15 years ago
trying to get motivated to get stuff done today
SunCatcher says
15 years ago
yea me too! It's not working for me, how about you? lol
SunCatcher says
15 years ago
The weather is great here, hope it's nice there too!
leftygirl says
15 years ago
the weather started out kinda iffy, but ended up being nice. I did get my chores done though...FINALLY
SunCatcher says
15 years ago
The weather was nice here again today-not humid. And getting chores done is the best huh! Too bad we have to keep doing them over and over!
SunCatcher says
15 years ago
when you have time-check out the vid I did-I'm new at it-you can leave comment if you have youtube acct Chicago Butterfly Museum 7 19 09