are you fucking KIDDING ME!? that poor man.... fucking taser happy assholes
or pepper spray or whatever....
omfg that brought tears to my eyes. People can be so fucking cruel. That poor man.
Being deaf and in the bathroom like that when red smoke is coming from out of nowhere, not knowing what the HELL was going on on,
he must have been scared as shit.
then the cops mistreat him, because they won't take a second to observe him and what he was TRYING to tell them
shit i want them to pay too. They couldn't even talk to someone in his house and tell them what happened
but of course they wouldn't, look what they did to him
try explaining that to his mother
I would smack those men if i were his mother. it was so sad and when he tells the story he doesn't even look angry becasue he's not only
deaf but not all there either, the poor guy.... im so sick of hearing about shit like this! he looked like a nice guy too idk why the store
manager didn't try knocking or oepning the door to see for himself what was going on and i mean seriously there were so many other ways
the cops could have gotten him out of the bathroom i just cant for the life of me understand why they went through those lengths over a guy
in the bathroom.... i mean really? police are power hungry assholes ready to use force at any given moment these days it makes me sick
if they really wanted him out they could have just busted open the door i mean when he was talking to them could they not get within seconds
that the guy was deaf by the way he spoke? I mean i doubt very much he "resisted arrest" and tried to fight them fucking assholes needed to
take a fucking second to figure out the situation before getting to the point they did
They really could have gone about that TOTALLY differently