Fine! Hope you're doing quite well over there.
ok, are you online now denise
we can live chat if you don't mind
haha, i still don't know how to use this....
i think i can only send instand messengers now.
how is your sumemr holiday?
what grades will you teach next term?
I see, good, young and energetic
我當導師(homeroom teacher),所以通常都是七年級帶到九年級畢業
sorry i interrupted your conversation with your friends on the other window
i did not realize they are not comfortable with english speakers
It's really OK. 他們應該只是不習慣在台灣用英語交談吧!
BTW, 他們可能誤以為你是他們認識的人其中之一......
oh they are your students?
i thought they are jspa friends as well,
so i say hello, oops, my mistakes
A-ha! You're smart to make a good guess!
Don't be... It's a new experience to you, and to them. ^_^
tell them that if they wish to practice english
can come out to chat with me
i won't laugh at them as long as they don't laugh as me
oh no, i love children
Good for you and them! Got to go now. Have a nice day! ^_^
goodnight, nice to have chatted with you
I have akward english XDDD
I can read well but my grammar is not good
don't worry about grammer
and i am not your teacher
I know that but I still afraid XDD
you are more brave than your friends
at least you dare speak to me
by the way, i am 100% chinese too
haha she just not on line, not afraid I guess
i know~ you can read chinese
yes, i live in Canada, where do you live?
I live in Taipei, My friend lives in canada too, he lives in Surrey in west
i live in toronto, in the east
have you visited your friend in canada?
yeah , he cames back in this summer vacation , and I have go out with him
i don't know to much of toronto , can you introduse?
i am writing many blogs about toronto on the jimmyspa website
if you like, you can give you my blog address,
then you will know all about toronto
ok I'll see that but this website is run very slow
How old are you gone to Canada??
oh i went to canada 22 years ago, before you are born
oh!!! old are u? XD
age is girl's secret,
haha, i am as old as your teacher denise
haha I got it XD , I'm 16 now , It will be adult soon
do you need to join the army?
Yeah , 台灣徵兵制度在我這年是最後一年 所以我還是會當到兵 在我後面那一屆的就不用了!!
you still had to join the army
yes fresh fruits here
I don't mind , I think this It's a good experience
I like fruit a lot , I can eat fruit all day only XD
me too, i love strawberries
I love pear best , It very juicy
goodnight and thanks very much curt,
say hello to your teacher denise for me
thx too, I'll going bed now , goodnit
Curt_: 當兵的過程雖苦,可是真的讓一個男孩蛻變成男人,要加油哦~雖然不是現在要當啦,哈哈
不是 是身體上有些問題~ 但是也不知道符合不符合 所以等到時候在看看囉~