Chris Kilian
15 years ago
do YOU have a Google VOICE invite laying around your email box?
latest #8
15 years ago
why? are you looking for one? (not that i do, but i'm just curious)
Sir Big Papa
15 years ago
I don't think they are giving invites that way yet
Sir Big Papa
15 years ago
I have voice... but no invites that I can see
Chris Kilian says
15 years ago
I am looking for an invite. Would like to experiment with killing a landline phone with GV.
Chris Kilian says
15 years ago
my understanding is that some "sneezers" have been given invites, like Gmail once upon a time.
Sir Big Papa
15 years ago
hmmm... I've been using voice for about a month (maybe two?) because I was a grand central user... but have not been given any invites yet
Sir Big Papa
15 years ago
ps... I **LOVE** it
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