lahmoh wants
16 years ago
to quit and never have to work
latest #19
gurms asks
16 years ago
what abt your dream job?
lahmoh asks
16 years ago
wats my dream job darling?
gurms says
16 years ago
receptionist lah. how you forget so fast?
lahmoh says
16 years ago
oh ya... but that requires me to press on the door button endless times a day...
lahmoh says
16 years ago
but i dont mind answering the phone tho
gurms says
16 years ago
just leave the door open lah. you are not security guard.
dixie says
16 years ago
the door sounds badly!
nanakoh says
16 years ago
lahmoh, when anyone calls, juz say wrong number
gurms says
16 years ago
cannot nana. Despite her pleasant disposition and demure figure, company no business then she kena retrench how. Some calls must go thru.
nanakoh says
16 years ago
fine, only the calls to the bosses then
lahmoh says
16 years ago
agrees and nobody else! Calls can only go thru if they have nick names...
lahmoh says
16 years ago
example "good morning Ah Soong Limited can I help you?
lahmoh says
16 years ago
Can i speak to dead wood?
lahmoh says
16 years ago
Sorry he's err DEAD
ongjorida asks
16 years ago
if marriage is the answer to this question for lahmoh? :-P
nanakoh asks
16 years ago
who is dead wood?
dixie says
16 years ago
doesnt it sound like dae-wood?
dixie says
16 years ago
so she meant she's dead hor :-P
lahmoh says
16 years ago
cannot use marriage as an escape path! tho its on her thinking cap :-)
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