nutty professor here, ello...give me a hambuber..
it is the staring of the moon, the sea breeze, the scenery that gave the look of the empress, it shall shine down the dark valley and
the soldiers of shi huang ti shall rise to fight the white creatures, go, go, go
shall i compare thee to the summers day, thou art so beautiful and con temperate. sweets winds do shake the darling buds of may
takes a knife and stab shakespear
die ye, die ye...the death of an author is more tedious then a raccoon, the tiny little one sounds for its last breath, h..e...l...p..
the heat of the dragon shall rest down the trout of the beguiling fire, shall the rest upon the sea where no man lies, the heat and storms
shall blow the view and then the immediate trumpets shall force it's sound through the mighty wall, and the arch
angels shall sound it's trumpet, and the beast shall run towards the mighty Heavens, and the blood shall vanquish away from those innocent
souls, then the dice shall be rolled to meet the emperor and it might be the last but not least where man sees the light
All hail the Lord....