Omega26 says
15 years ago
FF7:AC Complete was wow!! (woot)
latest #13
15 years ago
hell yeah!
Omega26 says
15 years ago
yeah! still top notch graphics! :-D ;-)
15 years ago
it's FF. what else do we expect? :-P
15 years ago
did you watch it in blu-ray, the uncompressed one? around 35-50GB?
Omega26 says
15 years ago
nope, i just watch the downloadable .AVI version of it.. (tongue)
Omega26 says
15 years ago
that was huge.. (LOL)
15 years ago
aw. you should have at least downloaded the 6.5GB version. sayang graphics. XD
Omega26 says
15 years ago
ahehe.. :-P but it has good quality..though..i think almost the same.. ;-)
15 years ago
can't be. but if you watch it in a small screen, can be. but but but... HD is HD. SD is SD.
Omega26 says
15 years ago
yah.. but i think on a bigger screen almost the same. ;-) hehe.. cloud was tortured there.. :-D stab to pieces..XD
15 years ago
no. it won't be. plus it's AVI. not even h264. the compression is low.
Omega26 says
15 years ago
oh.. i see.. thnx for that. :-P
Hamba says
15 years ago
Sup omega. I also have the 6.5GB version, if you're intrested. (LOL)
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