paulus says
15 years ago
trying those wings that had the sauce w/the ghost chilli in it was a bad idea.
latest #6
paulus has
15 years ago
massive heart burn and he feels like he was kicked in the stomach :-(
paulus says
15 years ago
also the night was kind of weird... old lady bought me a beer and she was talking to me about her daughter.
paulus was
15 years ago
more interested in trying the various flavors of hot wing sauces (black berry and raspberry to name two) srsly amazing!
Bootyp says
15 years ago
oooh the cougars are after you! :-D
paulus says
15 years ago
then i can just quit and do my own stuff all day.
paulus thinks
15 years ago
if he gets enough money to not ever have to work again, he's probably spend his time writing and traveling.
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