DaniHarrop wants
14 years ago
you to know that the Crown and Pearl in second life is full of bigots, who enjoy trash talking other countries.
latest #8
DaniHarrop says
14 years ago
not that anyone will read this or care...but I won't be back there again.
DaniHarrop says
14 years ago
just bastards running their mouths, and not caring who they offend. That's all. I'm getting used to being treated like shit everywhere.
14 years ago
wow! really? I've never been but had heard it was a cool place to hang out.
14 years ago
i thought tht was prads place?
14 years ago
were they american bashing? Cuz u know america doesnt have the best rep in some parts of the world
DaniHarrop says
14 years ago
it shouldn't matter who they were bashing...politics needs to stay out of dance clubs.
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