Catquills wonders
15 years ago
what's on the haunted fishtank tonight....
latest #12
CrazyProfCat says
15 years ago
Haunted fishtank? (unsure)
15 years ago
TV he he
CrazyProfCat says
15 years ago
Obviously never made it to German TV
CrazyProfCat says
15 years ago
Which is a surprise cos German TV takes all kinds of English stuff and make their own series (which usually suck then ...)
15 years ago
Errm the tv is the haunted fishtank..
CrazyProfCat says
15 years ago
(lmao) OMG, can you tell they did pull my wisdom teeth? Brain deterioration has already started
15 years ago
That's ok...grin..can you tell me how to type plurkers names so they show up brighter?
CrazyProfCat says
15 years ago
You mean like this? Catquills
CrazyProfCat says
15 years ago
You just put a @ in front of the name, I just learned that yesterday
15 years ago
see you did that without the teeth
15 years ago
xlnt thanx
CrazyProfCat says
15 years ago
I might still have a chance to survive, phew
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