sansotto thinks
16 years ago
OMG orsettamv plurks but sophismi doesn't reply? The end of plurk is coming(woot)
latest #12
16 years ago
orsettamv thinks
16 years ago
that maybe maybe maybe sophia have no time for much social life and she don't wanna lose time with us! (g_applause)
orsettamv asks
16 years ago
(g_not_talking)what do you think?
sansotto thinks
16 years ago
uhm..maybe... for me sophismi has found a better place than plurks and didn't invite us! :-P
orsettamv thinks
16 years ago
you're right! Damn! There's no other solution..I mean there's no other possible reason! And know she will create a story 2 justify herself..
orsettamv thinks
16 years ago "ops when I was in Milan I've understood that I've forgot the cable of my laptop at Venice, but when I finally arrive in Venice..
orsettamv thinks
16 years ago
..I've understood that the cable was in the bag that I've left in Milan!". Yes and we're gullibles! (g_applause)
sansotto says
16 years ago
orsettamv thinks
16 years ago
(s_unsure) it's to much time I'm preoccupat!
sansotto says
16 years ago
sansotto says
16 years ago
please sophismi invite us to your brand new social network :-D
orsettamv hates
16 years ago
that sophismi don't tell us the name of the new social network! (g_bring_it_on)
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