waveydavie asks
16 years ago
is anyone using uvLayer?
latest #8
UKStevieB says
16 years ago
nope, never tried it (g_thinking)
striatic has
16 years ago
tried it. found it just about useless.
waveydavie asks
16 years ago
what's the alternative striatic?
UKStevieB asks
16 years ago
what waveydavie what exactly it is that you wanted to use uvLayer for so that he can try and think of an alternative
waveydavie says
16 years ago
it's just for collecting fave vids together in a simple, uncluttered way
btocher says
16 years ago
he uses BlueOrganizer for this, and for pictures, books and other stuff too.
UKStevieB asks
16 years ago
seeing as you are now using StumbleUpon are you looking for anything else? vodpod.com/ is a good one, especially if you wanna add to blog.
waveydavie says
16 years ago
I'm not really enjoying uvLayer, I'll check those two out tomorrow, thanks guys.
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