15 years ago
just came back from bon odori
latest #45
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
eee,wanted to go :/
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
did u go?
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
no :-(
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
Ooo . the things there were overpriced and the haunted house wasnt that haunted
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
yyou went in? T_T i dont dare it i was there
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
i go in. the first one only scared a bit cuz out of nowhere the girl scream
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
HAHA,i'll freak out half way
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
haha . then my fren too tall so hav to bend down cuz got the wierd puppets hanging on the ceiling
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
eeee,so creepy
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
no lah . my little brother and his friend aso can laugh .
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
when the ghost on the floor try to grab my leg and say help me i say back i help u later haha
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
omg! so scary,if i were in there.i'll shout and then i'll cry
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
ahaha next year if got the u go lo
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
no thank you!
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
haha then dont go and buy stuff and walk around lo
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
hahaha overpriced wan la. XP
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
still,it's nice yummm
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
in the end the fireworks was nice
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
really? ahhh i missed it
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
yeah . my bro was right underneath it
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
i wuz wit my frens near the food stall taking pics of it XP
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
ohh sounds like you enjoyed it?
Damien says
15 years ago
bryant next year we whole gang go k
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
stan - of course haha damien - ok . on
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
haha i missed everything.haih
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
next year u go la
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
if got that is
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
i am so going to go next year
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
hahaha then can go haunted hse
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
no thank you! :-D
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
i'll faint in there
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
no la cannot wan . not that scary la and its not that long
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
still,it's creeeepyyyy
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
no la hahaha . next year i wanna go aso
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
i'll see if i dare to go or not next year
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
hahaha i folo u if i meet u ther XP
stannie♥ says
15 years ago
okies! no prob :-D
wb :-)
ßR¥ÄÑT™ says
15 years ago
(LOL) thanks
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