niseynisey loves
15 years ago
latest #11
xuanhui/暄憓 loves
15 years ago
MrtTing! :-))
ShannAlmighty says
15 years ago
niseynisey says
15 years ago
Go away la Shann. HAHAHAHA
niseynisey says
15 years ago
Xuanhui, Ami Ami Ami!!! He sing 男傭超可愛哦~
xuanhui/暄憓 says
15 years ago
Haha! I saw his performance ytd! I wanted to tell you too, haha! ;D
niseynisey says
15 years ago
Kiko: HAHA eh no la!! Hahahaha!
niseynisey says
15 years ago
Xuanhui: I saw your MrtTing's too! Wanted to talk to you but you weren't online~ Hahahaha
xuanhui/暄憓 says
15 years ago
Haha, I also wanted to talk to you but you weren't online then. I woke up in the morning, and I was like "MILLIONSTAR5!" Than I switched on
xuanhui/暄憓 says
15 years ago
the computer xD
ShannAlmighty says
15 years ago
okay loh. thanks ah
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