christie feels
15 years ago
sad :'-(
latest #28
Junhong says
15 years ago
christie says
15 years ago
my coach cscolded me today (in front of evryone) then he scold me until i cried
christie says
15 years ago
Junhong says
15 years ago
o.O .. chill, sadly i dunno how comfort others (tears)
christie says
15 years ago
haha. nvm lah
Junhong says
15 years ago
hehehe... so how u feeling now?????
Sherrileong says
15 years ago
boo boo.
christie says
15 years ago
christie says
15 years ago
happy, iguess
Junhong says
15 years ago
o.O icicicicic =)
Sherrileong says
15 years ago
Junhong says
15 years ago
Sherrileong says
15 years ago
seriously. haha
Junhong says
15 years ago
zzz, u also like my sister, always critisizing....
Junhong says
15 years ago
Sherrileong says
15 years ago
erm. do you noe who i am?
Junhong says
15 years ago
yep, christie's sister....
Sherrileong says
15 years ago
you have no idea what i was talking about. My advice to you is to get your facts right b4 you start commenting. Btw, i wasnt critisizing.
Sherrileong says
15 years ago
you have no idea what is critisizing. and never get on my bad side. you dun wanna try.
Junhong says
15 years ago
Junhong says
15 years ago
i wasn't trying
Junhong says
15 years ago
Junhong says
15 years ago
and oops, i used the wrong word
Junhong says
15 years ago
should learn precision of language
Junhong says
15 years ago
Sherrileong says
15 years ago
glad that you noe
Junhong says
15 years ago
heheh, not angry anymore???
Sherrileong says
15 years ago
nope. i forgive and forget things that are minor.
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