15 years ago
*throws some popcorn in my mouth* *spits it out* ewwwww it tastes like dirt!! :-&
latest #7
Bella Hale says
15 years ago
*laughs hard* Awww
Bella Hale says
15 years ago
why are you eating nasty popcorn *hands you a cookie* eat this instead!
Jazzward says
15 years ago
*looks at cookie*
Bella Hale says
15 years ago
*looks at you* You dont like cookies?
Jazzward says
15 years ago
*gets a glass of blood instead* :-)
Bella Hale says
15 years ago
*giggles* opps! I forgot *smiles*
EmmettCullen says
15 years ago
Why do you even eat it in the first place *raises eyebrow*
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