Anipants says
15 years ago
I'm drinking baileys and milk and am alredy buzzed. I'm a lightweight these days (LOL)
latest #15
15 years ago
Rexen is
15 years ago
suddenly reminded of the remaining mint bailey's I have in my fridge
Anipants says
15 years ago
already too :-P
Anipants says
15 years ago
I haven't tried the mint yet. I was tempted but didn't want to hate it since it has been so long since I've had anything to drink (LOL)
15 years ago
damn it, I am so making a mudslide when I get home
15 years ago
oh pls to share.. zomg i need that or a valium
Anipants shares
15 years ago
baileys alll around
15 years ago
Ahem...hold the milk, please. I'm gonna chug that Baileys like a ninth grader at her first high school party.
15 years ago
And then I'll sit and contemplate how many bottles of Goldschlager you would need to make a ring out of the goldy flecks.
Catty says
15 years ago
mmm yummmmmmy
Catty says
15 years ago
ya, skip the milk...i like amaretto in milk!
15 years ago
*struggles with Catty for the virtual ownership of the bottle*
Catty says
15 years ago
its a big bottle!! and we can order more!!!
15 years ago
oooo yummers
15 years ago
holds onto my bottle with all my strength
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