thejayster says
15 years ago
just talked to moms. on the verge of t.e.a.r.s. :-(
latest #15
CasKade says
15 years ago
wat happened?
thejayster says
15 years ago
ehh nothing. she's still there and sounded so sad and it broke my little heart.......
CasKade says
15 years ago
i thought she came out already.
thejayster says
15 years ago
she was going to last night, but they kept her anyway man. forgot to tell you that
CasKade says
15 years ago
why did they keep her?
thejayster says
15 years ago
she was complaining about her back. it was hurting really bad. remember she has a bullet in her back...
thejayster says
15 years ago
it could have got moved from impact or something. and just more test i guess
CasKade says
15 years ago
ah i hope everything is well
thejayster says
15 years ago
me too. & we learned the car flipped twice...
thejayster says
15 years ago
first time the top of the car got her head, second time she scraped it on concrete because her window was down
CasKade says
15 years ago
didnt yall already know that?
thejayster says
15 years ago
no, i thought it was one time. remember...
CasKade says
15 years ago
dang im trying to figure why i was thinkin twice in the first place
thejayster says
15 years ago
lol interesting.
CasKade says
15 years ago
yeah. i guess ugh lol
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