16 years ago
Been on LastFM for over a year - Anyone actively using it? How? It just caches my recent iTunes music.
latest #9
WorkingWriter says
16 years ago
Depends on what you call "active," I think it's interesting. Sent you a friend request. :-))
WorkingWriter says
16 years ago
More seriously, I do find new music via "neighbor station." I wish it would cache Net-radio, tho.
lisasabinwilson says
16 years ago
I just added your friend request.. now I have two friends there lol
lisasabinwilson says
16 years ago
I should use it more to find new music. I usually just browse the iTunes store
UKStevieB says
16 years ago
he always means to use it more but tends to use seeqpod.con and for music on his computer :-D
16 years ago
(g_doh) that shoulda been , obviously!
pamibe says
16 years ago
I've never used it.
lisasabinwilson says
16 years ago
got you added Stevie!
UKStevieB says
16 years ago
cheers me dears (s_music)
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