applying for a passport online, they ask what my city, state and country of birth is but i was born on a navy base in japan..not sure
latest #27
how i am supposed to enter that
just enter w/e city in Japan you were born in
my grandpa was in the navy
for a passport book it is $100, passport cards are $45 but will only get you to canada, mexico and the carribean by land or sea travel only
i work for a international ferry company and i get to ride to canada and go on any tours i want for free, but i need a passport to go to
and i wouldn't ha. its for canada people coming here
since twilight was based here
they go out to forks and go to the cullen house, the swan house, forks hospital etc.
i used to dress up in a pirate costume for holloween at my first job
the houses are just houses the city of forks bought and say that they're the charachters houses
its a bunch of bull shit really.
if you're into the books i'm sure its a fun experience but they really arn't the houses in the books.
also since the movie wasn't filmed here people get all confused about the houses and forks hospital and port angeles.
they think we really have an indian book store that is in a white house and that the resteraunt is also in a white house
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