latest #11
果然是學如逆水行舟,不進則退。但是要我每天被英文單字或是練習寫作文又很懶,偏偏個性又不服輸,愈覺得自己缺的東西,就愈要補強,真的是很矛盾耶。 我也在想是不是因為生活上充滿了各種矛盾,所以把我的邏輯都弄亂了.......
let's write plurk in English, shall we?
sure~ We can share the grammer and vocabulary here.
I learned a vucabulary "species" yesterday. It means 種類. For example, there are many species of insects.
快樂的小河馬~ I agree with you. It is always used in biology. But we IT engineers are unfamiliar with it.
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