hahahah someone wrote on their response for typing speed (wpm): in our app for employment "slow"
latest #12
hehe someone rsvp'ed to the company picnic with 1 child = (dog 3 years old)
what!? Humans are having dog children now? where have I been the last 3 years?
aww techjobs must be hard to find. sys administrator applied for a medical assistant position they dont qualify w/o a Med Asst degree
I guess this is why the Senate is trying to pass a vote against creating human/animal hybrids. Oh, Congress!
or that sysadmin really wants to break into the medical field and/or is a shitty sysadmin no one wants to hire.
ugh.. annoying ppl.. company picnic is only for employee, spouse (or sig other), and employee's children..
this girl has 4 children listed then crosses off 4 to put 6...
trying to say she had a kid when she was 10..
Dogbert is a popular name now
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