myg shares
15 years ago
latest #22
myg says
15 years ago
I can't think of any witty plurk banter today
myg says
15 years ago
...they are getting so big, so fast!
myg says
15 years ago
...I'm trying desperately not to just go eat something or else I'll never lose the last 17 pounds of pregnancy weight.
myg says
15 years ago eyes hurt and so does my pride.
myg says
15 years ago
...twitter doesn't pressure me with all of this karma nonsense.
myg says
15 years ago
:-) thanks
myg says
15 years ago
...I'm addicted to the Tudors on Netflix and I'm just starting Season 2 and I already know that Ann Boleyn gets the axe and it makes me sad.
myg says
15 years ago
...even though the king should have NEVER divorced Queen Catherine!
myg says
15 years ago
...but I'm not saying that England should have stayed Catholic, but really, breaking with the church just to get a divorce is tacky.
myg says
15 years ago
...aaaaaannnd I cut my hair even shorter. It's so, so, so short! And I dyed it back to black.
myg says
15 years ago
Aren't you glad I didn't put this all into one plurk?
myg says
15 years ago
Shit. I meant to say, aren't you glad I did put this all into one plurk instead of all separate plurks?
myg says
15 years ago
Wait. You can freeze karma?
Orchid. says
15 years ago
15 years ago
steals one for an afternoon.
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