je t'aime is
15 years ago
missing him soo much!
latest #9
mmundd says
15 years ago
who u miss?
je t'aime says
15 years ago
i miss my boy friend
je t'aime says
15 years ago
he is still in the hospital
je t'aime says
15 years ago
and i can't see him again for ever cuz we go to a diffrent high school
mmundd says
15 years ago
dont wori ill for him
je t'aime says
15 years ago
hahaha,what grade are you in?
mmundd says
15 years ago
1st yr college
je t'aime says
15 years ago
waw,you and me are verry long distance age..i'm still at junior high school at the 7th grade
putriwidiani says
15 years ago
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