OffSheGoes is
15 years ago
frustrated with Wordpress.
latest #11
Tanarian says
15 years ago
I was looking at something Commodore O'Toole mentioned about it last week and got quite lost. I'll stick mostly with LiveJournal.
15 years ago
whatchoo need? Blogger is simpler, but could use some wordpress tools.
Hotspur says
15 years ago
I like WP for my RL blog. My SL blog isn't so sophisticated that I would need anything beyond Blogger. Blogger is simple, easy and robust.
IcarusGhost says
15 years ago
what frustrates you about WP? I hack on WP and themes in RL.
15 years ago
I pretty much ned to use it for my new blog, and I see I have to know CSS to make even the simplest changes.
OffSheGoes is
15 years ago
very angry indeed at not being able to use blogger - peer pressure from other staff members (angry) (angry) (angry) (angry) (angry)
Frau Löwey
15 years ago
uses LJ and Blogger because she is not a code monkey yet.
Viv is
15 years ago
a code monkey.
Eleanor says
15 years ago
go "google" wordpress themes? Some nice ones out there OR check for blogger themes that are "faux" Wordpress.
15 years ago
I was frustrated when I first started using Wordpress. Had the same peer pressure ting going on. Worked it out, and now happy.
pfanderson says
15 years ago
it tends to be frustrating learning a new system or new job. Unfortunately, I only know one UM librarian on Blogger.
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