♥ Charisma says
15 years ago
i don't wanna be the GK. sheesh. give me my WA position back to me! yoh.
latest #12
MelvinTan says
15 years ago
whats WA? i was there. haha. not bad ah you
♥ Charisma says
15 years ago
lol. i think wing attack. i don't wanna be GK!! yoh.
MelvinTan says
15 years ago
JêN™ says
15 years ago
♥ Charisma says
15 years ago
do nothing one. like today. i prefer running a bit.
MelvinTan says
15 years ago
♥ Charisma says
15 years ago
then last week i trained as the WA suddenly today one upper six girl took the post, then they gave me GK.
MelvinTan says
15 years ago
complain lah
♥ Charisma says
15 years ago
complain d!! then she was like why la? ur such a good GK. ur really good. SHEESH. she bodek. yoh.
♥ Charisma says
15 years ago
the stupid captain, some malay girl.
MelvinTan says
15 years ago
haha. come over to cheeseman lah. xD
♥ Charisma says
15 years ago
can ah? lol too late lah.
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