VivianMischa says
15 years ago
FUCK! laptop ada blood now!
latest #75
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
bloodspill again? pity
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
nose bleed la! as if i dont bleed enough every month
Madeline says
15 years ago
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
walaoooooo my noseeeee
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
you have blood disease?
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
no! broke my nose b4 though
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
2nd nose bleed of the month man!
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
weird, didn't you go for surgery?
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
i broke mine last year, went for surgery (plastic) and it's 80% recovered.
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
broke when i was 3 while skiing
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
permanent damage?
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
just recently verrrrryyy frequent nose bleeds
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
SEE! didn't i tell you NOT to smooch so much
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
lol. yeah ho. noses twitch
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
yeah man, and didn't i tell you to take it light and easy? such aggressiveness! :-D
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
see doc liao la. the nose bridge didnt grow back into orginal place & ended up on my dunno wat that causes bleedin.
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
beginning yes la! but u noe when it gets intense ma
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
it's time to learn self-control.
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
weird, didn't you join it back when you broke it during your 3 years?
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
nope. too young
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
was still back in AUS. then later bo su liao ma did nothin lo
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
holy, that was a very unwise decision
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
your impartial nosebridge must've penetrated some later of your skin making a small incision on the opening of your nasal wall
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
can't you feel the bone?
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
it grew underneath now i hav almost no nosebridge
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
doc considering lifting the bridge bone back up. which sounds like a nosejob
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
no wonder your nose looked slightly smaller
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
that'll call for minor plastic surgery man
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
u seen my nose b4 meh
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
it's noticeable from far, and look you're talking to someone who had broked his nose before too alright.
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
from far?
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
you mean how i broke my nose, or how i notice?
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
how u broke ur nose. tuition & ur eyes la!
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
ok imagine someone jumps up to throw a basketball, and lands his elbow right into your nose upon landing
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
the impact was like, BOOM! concussion! LOL
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
whoa...tat is one cool way to break a noce
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
dad let go of me while skiing & the little me smashed into a rock. & tumbled down the snowy hill.
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
and i left hell lot of blood on Heng Ee's basketball court
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
thank allah i've got no memory of tat
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
holy, your dad must've been some adventurous guy :-D
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
but still, it's treacherous to just think of that
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
dad travelled the world okayyyyy.
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
bad thing to do to ur kid
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
indeed, you should be lucky he didn't try to throw you off in a parachute
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
Feliciaa says
15 years ago
hha omg, get better.
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
omfg stanley. as if i dont bleed enough
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
throw me off in a parachute. i guess i'll b bleedin through my belly button haha
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
haha, that might even promote early period! :-D
VivianMischa says
15 years ago more period cramps!
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
LOL, might cause early menopause too. But some would be happy about it :x
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
early PMS. like my mom. should ask her if she bleeds elsewhere when she was young haha
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
LOL. from "some" other orifice perhaps. :-P
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
lol. even her mouth meh. or her pores.
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
extreme high blood pressure :-(
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
haha! her scalp!
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
you'll see red hair falling off! LOL
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
magenta highlights!
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
it's free! :-D
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
free & made with natural ingredients that moisturizes ur hair!
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
rich in iron and protein too!
l.aiteng. says
15 years ago
how to break your NOSE ? it falls off eh hor -.-
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
yeah yeah it falls off
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
vivi's nose got SUCKED off, not fall off.
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
sucked by what???
Xiau_Wei. says
15 years ago
what else? :-D
VivianMischa says
15 years ago
what else?
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