Pok wonders
15 years ago
how lucky are we? our parents time, they only had to play with marbles. now? marbles = computer/ps2/PSP/etc etc.how fortunate are we?
latest #30
Yeh Hoong says
15 years ago
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
are we lucky?
Pok says
15 years ago
hmmm shermaine?
Pok says
15 years ago
yeah can say so lo. our parents at our age would be working their asses off just to earn a living
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
i think they had a lot of fun back then.
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
more life. more meaning
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
somehow i feel that our lives nowadays have deteriorated into meaningless days instead
our parents time = climbing up tree pluck rambutans, our time = ......
-Joe-| says
15 years ago
lol !!
Pok says
15 years ago
true also alicia. but their days was dead boring, really
Pok says
15 years ago
agreed with u earth ;-) they played guli also XD
Pok says
15 years ago
we play Guile oso ma, Street Fighter mia (rofl)
Pok says
15 years ago
HAHA marbles la for them XD
-Joe-| says
15 years ago
well .. i couldn't agree more in the case that they had fun more than us kids .. i think it's better then playing dota and all !!
Pok says
15 years ago
HAHAHA ur too used playing dota edi, thats y u think guli is better than dota and all XD they dun even have a comp that time :-P
-Joe-| says
15 years ago
lol .. they have much more fun seriously .. they can go out and play with anything .. that's call inovative !!
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
i think they're lucky in the sense that they can go out whenever they want loh, so muhibbah last time ... now
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
now walk back to hostel also kena rob. some more same race de.
Pok says
15 years ago
HAHA but they dun even have all this fun game like now wat we have. wan buy stuff also no money :-(
Pok says
15 years ago
yeah i know alicia, but then they go out also not like they had cars to drive also.both my parents came from a poor family btw
-Joe-| says
15 years ago
aliciawong: serious ?? what happened ??
-Joe-| says
15 years ago
lol .. it's about the fun and all .. seriously .. haha
but reli la, i rather play lastic then d freaking cs... lastic wild chicken myahahah!
edward lesalt says
15 years ago
HAHAH so bad lah you.
hehe, not simply lastic one lih~ after lastic it, set up fire, clean it, then sapu soy sauce on it, n barbecue! (devil).
-Joe-| says
15 years ago
lol ..
Pok says
15 years ago
LMAO HAHAHAHA then free earthman rogers hor? XD not bad heh. i wouldn't mind lastic-ing chickens (LOL0
Yeh Hoong says
15 years ago
we are fortunate because God created them and God created us as well :-)
wat earthman rogers? O.o??
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