Kat will
15 years ago
catch up on gossip girl
latest #7
twit says
15 years ago
lalalove chuck bass XD
Kat says
15 years ago
yeah mee too! :-) but download takes too long to finish.. so far behind season 2. :-(
twit says
15 years ago
i have nearly the complete season 2! i only lack episode 22. still DL it right now XD
Kat says
15 years ago
that's great. good for you. still gotta wait longer, :-) bt now worries
twit says
15 years ago
I would opt to send you episodes but they say an episode wont fit in an email :-(
Kat says
15 years ago
aw, that's so nice of you. i know, those things have huuuge sizes. but it's ok, i can wait for the downloads. :-D
twit says
15 years ago
you have patience that i will never possess XD
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