sanchonino says
15 years ago
A glorious thing happened today - I drove in the car with my parents and they listened to Björk. Once-in-a-lifetime, man.
15 years ago
I had gone to dinner with the parents, and they needed to run a couple of errands afterwards. Somehow we ended up at the dollar store,
15 years ago
and for some reason, Björk's newest CD was there. For a buck. So, of course I had to buy it.
15 years ago
On the way home, my father said, "Okay, hand me that disc, let's listen to it." They obviously hated it, but still - my parents were
15 years ago
listening to Björk. Momentous.
{BARBsicles} says
15 years ago
hahah i wonder what my mom would say about bjork..