15 years ago
This one is for Germaine XD Here is a link to an ad in TW that has been playing for a while now: 廣告 小人國 哆啦A夢樂園
latest #10
15 years ago
I post this one because I know Geramaine loves the original Doraemon theme song and probably is one of the few songs she can sing (oops)
15 years ago
But this ad just ticks me off because personally, in my opinion, this song is very very bad
15 years ago
It's ok if you kind of copy the essence of the original version, but you have to do it nicely.
15 years ago
And another thing that really really gross me out is the adults in the ad.
15 years ago
It's fine to have children, it's a theme park! But... why do you have to include two adults who look so brainless... = =
15 years ago
Esp. the guy... the video's quality isn't that good but you can still tell that he's blinking his wide-open eyes for... 4 times, maybe?
15 years ago
Anyways... It's ok if you like this ad or find this ad to have no problem at all. Personally, I feel this ad is just plain gross.
15 years ago
I couldn't find a clearer one so I just tried the official website and hey, there's a new version!!!
15 years ago
They changed the song into more... pop-like? But it's still horrible. link: www.woc.com.tw/index_1.a...
15 years ago
Now you can finally see the guy near the end of the ad. Ok, I have to stop watching the ad... now the melody is ringing in my head
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