jazzychad is in the building. whew. morning to all!
rockinprgirl and I were wondering when you were going to show up!
We were getting ready to start the thread without you...
pretty good... sorry to worry everyone! i "accidentally" slept a little late
he was playing golf today like
JasonPeck but it would be very hot!
rocking good morning to you
so who would win in a fight? Johnny 5, ET, or Wall-E ?
What is it with you guys and fighting?
good morning, good morning. It's about time.
I'm going with Johnny 5 just because he got to see Ally Sheedy in a bathtub.
I dunno, though. ET has some sort of powers, yeah?
but ET is NOT a robot. And robots are cooler... Well, not as cool as ninjas and pirates but still pretty cool.
I'm not sure that being able to bring dead flowers back to life is going to serve ET well in a fight, though.
Although the glowing chest and finger bit might freak out the opponents, at least momentarily. Element of surprise.
yeah, but he has that weird glowing thing on the tip of his finger.
Johnny 5 was the only one that displayed any sort of rage.. the other two were pretty skiddish, no?
Not to mention that Wall-E is a cartoon.
he was also the only one who really talks, right? Haven't seen wall-e yet.
Johnny 5 in this competition.
ET talked. "ET phone home."
yeah, that's like it, though.
Well, considering he was an alien who had to teach himself English by watching TV, he did OK on the communications front.
not to mention, Johnny 5 was BUILT for war... Slight advantage.
He spoke better English than some of our neighbors when we lived in Jersey City...
mecurial Good point. Johnny 5 FTW, then.
heh, I think that goes all around.
geez, the other guys are lagging here.
maybe the other guys don't know the thread is here today...?
what's the latest movie you've seen in a theater?
not been to a movie in more than a year. I think.
I think it was Be Kind Rewind at the $1.50 theater... no wait, Indiana Jones and What Do You Mean They're Freakin' Aliens...?
Latest in a theater? The Simpsons movie. Husband/son went to see Transformers last summer but I was at work. We do HBO/DVD as a rule.
I saw "Singin in the Rain" at a historic theater last week... sponsored by Turner Classic Movies. very cool experience.
iphone v2 software is out today, and so is app store... who is going to upgrade today?
hmmm, almost lunch time... what are you gong to eat?
what do you think?
seminar about to begin. Catch u peeps later...
Hey, I said I'd share when I got a kitchen.
jazzychad For lunch: Healthy Choice frozen meal. Today - meat loaf/mashed taters, green beans, apple cranberry dessert.
Not going to upgrade iphone, primarily because I don't have an iphone.
wow, this thread is pitiful today.
I keep thinking of those Altel commercials
hmmm..... He does sorta look like that chad.
I'm trying! We need moar particepayshun.
jefftippett is doing seminar, so he's not here livening things up.
Yorn desh born, der ritt de gitt der gue,
Orn desh, dee born desh, de erm plurk, plurk!
erm-plurk-plurk-plurk! Ja!
this thread wouldn't plurk if you put 50,000,000 bleeding volts through it.
I assure you, its total lack of movement is due entirely to it being tired and shagged out following a prolonged squawk.
it's pining for the fjords!
pining for the fjords? Pining for the FJORDS?
it needs a beer, methinks
If it wasn't nailed to Plurk, it would be pushing up daisies.
bereft of plurks, it's shuttled off this mortal blog, and gone to join the web invisible. It is an ex-thread.
i have a talking slug, would you like that?
actually running away now to old office.