fatherseraphim says
15 years ago
back from hearing confessions, notice that much of the words I give the penitent are words I need to hear myself
latest #12
15 years ago
ahh ... wish they had more hours for confession here
andychrism says
15 years ago
I think that is God's sense of humor at work, Father. I find myself counselling my children on the very things I need counsel on!
tinybear421 says
15 years ago
andychrism: me too. I keep telling them...do as I say, not as I do
andychrism says
15 years ago
:-D Why does God put up with us?
ChrisHumphries says
15 years ago
my SD puts questions to me that way too, like I struggle with forgiving myself and he asks me:
ChrisHumphries says
15 years ago
"if you were a priest, would you forgive them"
ChrisHumphries says
15 years ago
it really is amazing that we are all the faithful, and all human and we all struggle and God's love for us is so huge
ChrisHumphries says
15 years ago
You are so big... so absolutely huge... gosh, we're all really impressed down here, I can tell You.
andychrism says
15 years ago
Thanks for that Plurk, Chris! You've made my day!
Migly says
15 years ago
Advent Spark says
15 years ago
I think God often works that way--not always but often
ChrisHumphries says
15 years ago
[monty python quote I said last, btw]
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