Devon feels
15 years ago
tired, but not tired.
latest #45
Nathaniel wonders
15 years ago
how you can be both?
Nathaniel asks
15 years ago
bodytired and not braintired?
Devon says
15 years ago
yes, that precisely.
15 years ago
suggests doing something comfy
Nathaniel is
15 years ago
15 years ago
would like to read, but the current choice of fare is a novel about ....transformers.
15 years ago
would rather *not*..
Nathaniel is
15 years ago
going through Duo's saved Fanfiction
15 years ago
could do that...
gremlin wife says
15 years ago
yyyyyeah, that would be the waterpark. There were a lot of stairs.
Duo is
15 years ago
willing to share
Beth likes
15 years ago
it that the lines are usually long enough to make the stairs not hurt
15 years ago
thanks you for the offer, but doesn't...really know who any of those people are meant to be.
Devon has
15 years ago
never been a fan of, ah, porn, honestly.
Duo says
15 years ago
some of it's cute or funny
15 years ago
doesn't like picture porn.... as more than "huh, but why would someone do that" material
Devon says
15 years ago
it can be sort of entertaining in that respect, yes.
Sarah-kitty thinks
15 years ago
most picture porn is just fake, bad, and un-appealing.
Duo says
15 years ago
drawn porn is occasionally better... or weirder
15 years ago
finds a lot of it entertaining in ways it's not meant to be
15 years ago
sometimes likes to look at galleries and check off what he has and hasn't tried, though generally it's terribly unrealistic.
Nathaniel has
15 years ago
tried way too much to do that at this point
Devon is
15 years ago
n't sure whether it's good or bad that he *hasn't*.
Nathaniel thinks
15 years ago
he's more naturally adventurous than you are
15 years ago
also heals better >___>
15 years ago
points out that Nathaniel heals well enough to grow things back.
Devon says
15 years ago
....lucky you, heh.
Devon is
15 years ago
certainly limited, in that respect.
Nathaniel says
15 years ago
not lucky exactly.
Nathaniel says
15 years ago
not when people take advantage of it
Devon says
15 years ago
mmn, true enough.
Nathaniel is
15 years ago
not so into pain that he doesn't mind things being bitten *off*
15 years ago
twitches every time you explain that.
Devon is
15 years ago
still horrified by the mere possibility.
Nathaniel is
15 years ago
just glad it grew back, when she bit it off she wasn't sure if it would.
15 years ago
would be glad too.
Nathaniel thinks
15 years ago
that's one of those things I reeeaaaally should have said no to
Devon is
15 years ago
having trouble imagining something worse than that, really.
15 years ago
doesn't want to think about it too hard, granted.
Nathaniel has
15 years ago
had a lot done to him....heh
15 years ago
would tell you but one horrifying image is enough for one night
15 years ago
appreciates the consideration.
Devon thinks
15 years ago
he might like to hear, though, if you choose later to tell.
Nathaniel will
15 years ago
probably tell you bits and pieces as they come up
Devon says
15 years ago
all right.
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