TamiMcCoy asks
15 years ago
is anyone else having trouble clicking to edit the texture on alpha prims when they're in with non alpha ie:hair?
latest #8
TamiMcCoy says
15 years ago
I am having the hardest time getting the alpha prims to edit. is there something I missed in my time away? am I lame? did i break my clicker
15 years ago
i havent had any probs with editting alphas at all...mayber SL is just being naughty?
TamiMcCoy says
15 years ago
could be. not anything new there is it lol
15 years ago
we should be used to it by now :-P
TamiMcCoy says
15 years ago
for sure lol
15 years ago
It's always been that way for me though :/
15 years ago
annoys me when im building something, and i move part, then it moves back after you click off it... X-(
TamiMcCoy says
15 years ago
this is making me insane!! :'-(
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