chelly says
16 years ago
so Ted is yelling at me because I didn't know that the kid who played Atreyu in the Neverending Story also played Boxey in BSG (1978)
latest #8
junkmale says
16 years ago
You didn't know that? Holy crap, what's WRONG with you? (s_LOL)
16 years ago
seriously? You are kidding
chelly says
16 years ago
hey I never really watched BSG (1978). Ok I've only seen a couple eps of it. So I do a podcast on BSG doesn't mean I know the old one :-)
JustJen says
16 years ago
I ONLY like the old one
chelly says
16 years ago
I've never been able to get past the cheese of it
16 years ago
I had the biggest crush on boxey
16 years ago
the cheese is why I liked it
16 years ago
and buck rogers
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