reese wonders
15 years ago
if the Adult Swim crew is actually serious about adding *Squidbillies* to the weeknight lineup whilst removing *Venture Brothers*. How wrong
latest #9
Megazord says
15 years ago
nuuu not Venture Bros. I <3 them.
reese thinks
15 years ago
*Squidbillies* is the most horrible thing . . . other than maybe all the coverage of Michael Jackson. I see a protest of some kind happening
reese thinks
15 years ago
I'm dead serious. They seem to have axed them for the time being. This makes me not a happy reese. It makes me anything but happy, actually.
15 years ago
how, well....bizarre really
reese likes
15 years ago
*Venture Brothers* because of it parodies *Johnny Quest*, which I've only seen of late, so very well. And The Monarch is funny.
15 years ago
Thankfully, *Venture Bros* is safely in its usual time slot.
reese wonders
15 years ago
if perhaps I've just managed to catch all the worst of the worst of *Squidbillies* the few times I've tried to give it a shot. :-P
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