o.o new doll ? hhaas good luck :x
Lol, it's a smaller version of the ddung doll. I got tell you before.
ddung doll i think i rmb o.o
Bought it! But not neko one, bought usagi ^^
finally got something uu want uh :X
Haha, but if put on phone it's big
ooo xD on ur phone now uh :X
I took it out, cos her hair will become very messy.
Cos I put inside bag, then the things make until her hair. Then if I take out, Fel very rough, looool
YA, you don't see her skinny skinny one. Her force x.x
LOLS scared she kill ur doll uh :X
Ya, later her head break how? xD
LOLS brk ! wa so jialat uh :X
Lol, won't cry. Will demand for money.
guess true in a way xD can buy new one better :XS
I think I will use it on other stuff, kinda regret buying. Hahaha.
LOLS ! cos its oni for show ? xD
:X den can oni see it when ur'e at home~