MidnightMoon shares
16 years ago
my office clutter i315.photobucket.com/alb...
latest #23
MidnightMoon asks
16 years ago
for plurker friends to share their desk pics
16 years ago
needs some inspiration to get it cleaned up (s_annoyed)
Rosie says
16 years ago
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3158/2629075105_6d35a317d4.jpg Oooh here are mine
Rosie says
16 years ago
Rosie says
16 years ago
Rosie says
16 years ago
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3146/2629832472_beda3d11a8.jpg :-D
16 years ago
thanks Rosie, for the great inspiration! you are very organized. :-)
MidnightMoon thinks
16 years ago
I have too much crap
MidnightMoon wants
16 years ago
pics please Andie!
MidnightMoon feels
16 years ago
seriously, I can't work in this mess any longer
MidnightMoon says
16 years ago
no, now! j/k (s_LOL)
Rosie says
16 years ago
Oh but I have a lot of crap as well! That's why I bought an extra add-on unit recently! :-))
16 years ago
thanks for sharing, Andie!
MidnightMoon wants
16 years ago
to know if the clutter hinders your creativity? it does mine.
16 years ago
wow, lucky you!
Rosie hates
16 years ago
a cluttered desk. I really get frustrated when my desk is too cluttered. I have to clean it a little first
16 years ago
my whole corner of our office is cluttered. so is my husband's corner but not as bad as mine. of course, I work from home and he doesn't.
Rosie says
16 years ago
In my case it's usually the desk of my other half which is dusty and full of little crappies. I have crappies as well, but put away nicely.
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