peachyknits is
16 years ago
absolutely thrilled because a) the bra cup of doom is sewed, and b) she realized she can use two sizes smaller and feels less fat now!
latest #9
Luliriisi says
16 years ago
Yay! Realizing you're smaller than you thought is always great. :-D
peachyknits says
16 years ago
it really is! Doesn't happen a lot here, though :'-(
Luliriisi says
16 years ago
Here either. But when it does... (s_dance)
peachyknits says
16 years ago
I want that banana!!!
Luliriisi says
16 years ago
Lol, get up to 25 karma points and then you get it. :-)
Luliriisi says
16 years ago
When you hit fifty, you get these! (g_rock_n_roll) (g_gym) and many more. :-)
peachyknits says
16 years ago
I'm already at 22.13! I will make 25 today, but still - me wants it NOW!
DragonCelt says
16 years ago
Yay for having a skinny bra!
TNTknits says
16 years ago
go, peachy!!!
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