Emi Bade says
15 years ago
hello (wave) I got new cell phone today (dance)
latest #9
Snore Flatley
15 years ago
ooo what kind?
Emi Bade says
15 years ago
Iphone (woot)
15 years ago
I'm intending to get that too!
GM Nikolaidis
15 years ago
oooh, fancy!
Emi Bade says
15 years ago
Yay for iphone, though it is too hard to use (dance)
Snore Flatley says
15 years ago
I don't wanna pay the monthlies. :-(
Emi Bade says
15 years ago
me either!
15 years ago
hugs my iPhone (cozy). I let my seven-year-old figure everything out. He's a techwiz!
15 years ago
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