YayHeaven shares
15 years ago
latest #9
Lisana says
15 years ago
I saw that via TheDisneyBlog.com a bit earlier today :-) I am sad that we won't get a Robobama here at DL *sniff*
YayHeaven says
15 years ago
we don't? WHAT?!
Lisana says
15 years ago
at least the last I read, we don't. Let me see if I can find the article.
Lisana shares
15 years ago
article on MiceAge Scroll down about 2/3 of the page to "Nobama" section.
YayHeaven says
15 years ago
Wow. And he really should be one to be Animatron-ized, being that he's a first...
Lisana says
15 years ago
I know :-( I guess we're supposed to be happy that they are bringing back the Hall of Presidents at all. It's only been gone 4 years.
YayHeaven says
15 years ago
I could swear I've been to the HoP within 4 years. Time must be really escaping me. wth?!
Lisana says
15 years ago
They put in the 50 Magical Years show for the big year, and next tear will be the 55th year for Disneyland
Lisana says
15 years ago
Year, not tear. Silly phone!
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