spedteacher is
15 years ago
overwhelmed at all his new friends.
latest #7
GingerLewman says
15 years ago
Just look back a couple times a day. You don't have to read it all...it can get to be too much some days. Just check in each day some.
GingerLewman says
15 years ago
Also, you can post on the same thread too, especially if you're on the same subject/topic. It helps to keep the timeline cleaner.
madmommy says
15 years ago
it really isn't too bad once you start to see some of the same people, and you'll get to learn who excels in various areas.
MamaShay says
15 years ago
(wave) hi! I am a high school special education teacher in NY.
dmcordell says
15 years ago
Welcome! Be sure to include Loonyhiker and LParisi if you haven't already done so. Both involved with special ed.
Merry says
15 years ago
welcome! I'm an Algebra teacher from Virginia. Don't be overwhelmed - it doesn't take long to figure it out :-)
Kath says
15 years ago
welcome, hope we can be helpful to you.
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