AndrewTanJunJie says
15 years ago
dont feel like going sch tmr (unsure)
latest #32
♥BabyMichelle says
15 years ago
go larx!!! bad boy
AndrewTanJunJie says
15 years ago
-.- see my mood! tired one leh. :-&
♥BabyMichelle says
15 years ago
AndrewTanJunJie says
15 years ago
hahah dont go dont go. kidding
♥BabyMichelle says
15 years ago
hAha,i todae also never go so don't go don't go larx
AndrewTanJunJie says
15 years ago
haha pon-ten kia. so you are the one that is naughty
♥BabyMichelle says
15 years ago
HEY!!! i sebei guai the cause i came back to SPORE mmorning mahx
AndrewTanJunJie says
15 years ago
0.0 so you went over seas
AndrewTanJunJie says
15 years ago
omg did you bring back h1n1?
♥BabyMichelle says
15 years ago
AndrewTanJunJie says
15 years ago
ohh but i thoguht i saw you on monday?
♥BabyMichelle says
15 years ago
orhhs,you saw me
♥BabyMichelle says
15 years ago
???? why i never (thinking)
♥BabyMichelle says
15 years ago
cause i mondae evening than go mahx
AndrewTanJunJie says
15 years ago
oh okay.
♥BabyMichelle says
15 years ago
lol? haha,,why you never tio h1n1 lo??/ aiya
AndrewTanJunJie says
15 years ago
LOL! ehh my immune system so powerful. sars come oso not scare xD.
♥BabyMichelle says
15 years ago
lol? first time i saw so so SO bhb people OMG!!
AndrewTanJunJie says
15 years ago
oh come on.
AndrewTanJunJie says
15 years ago
haha ok lah kidding only
♥BabyMichelle says
15 years ago
♥BabyMichelle says
15 years ago
so late haven sleep??
AndrewTanJunJie says
15 years ago
haha soon soon. you oso haven sleep
♥BabyMichelle says
15 years ago
haha,pro no need sleep :-P
♥BabyMichelle says
15 years ago
AndrewTanJunJie says
15 years ago
okay luh make sure you dont sleep AT ALL today
♥BabyMichelle says
15 years ago
haha,i sleep you also dk :-P
AndrewTanJunJie says
15 years ago
-.- okay fine you win.
♥BabyMichelle says
15 years ago
AndrewTanJunJie says
15 years ago
(:boring go sleep? i want go sleep ler
AndrewTanJunJie says
15 years ago
bye goodnight. (wave)
♥BabyMichelle says
15 years ago
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