16 years ago
So I guess it only really take a post a day to maintain your Karma!
latest #11
PlurkingPoppa says
16 years ago
that under the current algorithm it appears you have to be active within each 4-hr. iteration in order to obtain max. (0.09) karma
PlurkingPoppa says
16 years ago
that losing k is reported to have happened even when peeps were active... until they get transparent with the algorithm it's a guess
16 years ago
cool, you've been around here lots havent ya greg!
16 years ago
tells his Plurkbud that it's called an addiction :'-(
16 years ago
mine is twitter and slowly truning to identica!
PlurkingPoppa likes
16 years ago
the idea that is open-source
16 years ago
yep, I've been working on getting a copy set up for londoners to use so we don't have to deal with downtime!
PlurkingPoppa says
16 years ago
for the benefit of lurkers, that's London Ontario CANADA. And if you're one, ask o be put in my 'London ON' clique. (g_bring_it_on)
16 years ago
tells Bill it would be neat to incorporate that into a special Plurk client for Londoners! (g_applause)
PlurkingPoppa shares
16 years ago
this article about a new client.
16 years ago
that looks awesome, can't wait to get it!
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