johnbojangles shares
15 years ago
latest #13
chillosk says
15 years ago
astig yan ah. that'll really reduce costs... except for the price of that machine
jiddu wonders
15 years ago
if the books still smell like books.
Em ❦ loves
15 years ago
the link! Thanks Jovitt!
Em ❦ thinks
15 years ago
bookstores can still exist but maybe bye bye publishing houses? Hmm.. or maybe publishing houses will turn digital.
johnbojangles says
15 years ago
everybody parang xinerox on demang lang din nila.. but I want to brooowse! kailangan ikeep ang library.
johnbojangles says
15 years ago
jiddu may nakita akong weirdo sa powerbooks dati inaamoy niya 'yun libro by flippin the pages across his nose. lahat. was that you?
jiddu says
15 years ago
johnbojangles in a fedora and a trench coat (and nothing else?) - yes. otherwise, not really.
chillosk says
15 years ago
jov, ako ata yon. :-(
GodLikeDevil says
15 years ago
does it transform as well?
15 years ago
maybe haraya can try that here!
chasmalim says
15 years ago
ooh interesting. but i still like libraries and bookstores. :-) ang sipag mo magplurk ngayon ah. (LOL)
mbelgado says
15 years ago
si jov inaamoy si chillosk habang inaamoy yung libro habang nakatrench coat lang
Em ❦ says
15 years ago
Waaaaah akosirap!
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