Meggie says
15 years ago
At the last paintball game we went to Chris found a tiny frog on the speedball field where he was playing.
latest #34
Meggie says
15 years ago
We took his GOlden Peak ice tea bottle and poked holes in it and put grass and everyhting in it and put in him it
Meggie says
15 years ago
And he came home with us
Meggie says
15 years ago
We named him Bunker, since thats what the structures on the field are called where we found him
Meggie says
15 years ago
At the hotel I researched what kind of frog he was
Meggie says
15 years ago
I positively identified him as a rare orange colors American Toad
Meggie says
15 years ago
We brought him home and I set up a spare tank for him with the right conditions. I kept his water ball full and gave him ctickjets every few
Meggie says
15 years ago
days, but he hid all day and never came out (They are nocturnal and bury themselves all day)
Meggie says
15 years ago
But tonight after I was done feeding Maverick i dumped a few crickets in there with him as well
Meggie says
15 years ago
And I found him and gently pulled him up from the dirt, and he saw a cricket and immediately hopped after it
Meggie says
15 years ago
And I saw him devour a ton of crickets for the first time
Meggie says
15 years ago
And he's doubled in size since we brought him home. I wuv him so much. :-)
Sarah Schaffs says
15 years ago
❄️GoldenGurl❄️ says
15 years ago
so how many animals are in Meggie's zoo now?
Meggie says
15 years ago
1 cat, 1 dog, 1 turtle, 1 bearded dragon, 1 hamster (Maggie ate Liam), 1 toad, 2 ferrets
❄️GoldenGurl❄️ says
15 years ago
wow no fish?
❄️GoldenGurl❄️ says
15 years ago
im shocked (LOL)
Meggie says
15 years ago
Chris almost brought home a reject fish today
Meggie says
15 years ago
A guy was gonna buy it and had it with him, then Chris decided to buy a bearded dragon instead
Meggie says
15 years ago
So the guy just put the fish on a shelf and bought the dragon
Meggie says
15 years ago
So I yelled at him when he got back and told him to go back nad buy the fih
Meggie says
15 years ago
Meggie says
15 years ago
but he wouldnt :-(
Meggie says
15 years ago
im very sad :-(
❄️GoldenGurl❄️ says
15 years ago
❄️GoldenGurl❄️ says
15 years ago
how old's the cat?
❄️GoldenGurl❄️ says
15 years ago
i've always see pics of Avery, but none of the cat, lol
Meggie says
15 years ago
around 7
❄️GoldenGurl❄️ says
15 years ago
❄️GoldenGurl❄️ says
15 years ago
she get along with Avery?
Meggie says
15 years ago
no lol
❄️GoldenGurl❄️ says
15 years ago
awwwww my sister's boyfriend has two cats and two dogs
❄️GoldenGurl❄️ says
15 years ago
she says they're nice
❄️GoldenGurl❄️ says
15 years ago
because you will pet them and when you're done, they'll go away
❄️GoldenGurl❄️ says
15 years ago
unlike our cats that beg for more, lol
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