pathfinder2009 wonders
15 years ago
took some photos and been warned by the model 'ISA' ouch
latest #16
Pazuzu says
15 years ago
model ISA?
pathfinder2009 says
15 years ago
ISA some act
Pazuzu says
15 years ago
oooh .. how come like tat one?
pathfinder2009 says
15 years ago
donno deleted already lol sensitive topic lol (LOL)
ghosttedd says
15 years ago
what is model ISA?
Pazuzu says
15 years ago
hahaha.. u took some gals' pics hia?
randomshutter says
15 years ago
you cheeky monkey you
pathfinder2009 says
15 years ago
took some buildings???
randomshutter says
15 years ago
normal la.. you look like terrorist ma..
ghosttedd says
15 years ago
who warned you actually?
Pazuzu says
15 years ago
foosi asks
15 years ago
wat happen??
pathfinder2009 says
15 years ago
hi post some photo and some genius said beware ISA (woot)
pathfinder2009 says
15 years ago
cybreed: maybe lol
pathfinder2009 says
15 years ago
GT; some genius
pathfinder2009 says
15 years ago
foosi; side effect of street lol
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